The Elm Architecture (TEA) animation

2 min readOct 6, 2018


The “game loop” of Elm

This is the backbone of a web application written in the Elm language ( This loop happens every time something happen. The “something” is converted to a message (Msg) and sent to the update function (the controller) together with the Model. The model contains the entire state of the application (the “single source of true”). The update function, based solely on the model and the message, can change the model and generate one or more commands (Cmd). Commands are then executed by the Elm Runtime while the new model is used to update the application interface, after being processed by the view function. This is in short all you need to know about The Elm Architecture.


  1. Something happen (example: user click on a button)
  2. A message (Msg) is generated
  3. Msg + Model are sent to update
  4. update return a new Model and an optional command (Cmd)
  5. Cmd is sent to the effects engine and executed (example: an http request)
  6. The new Model is sent to the view
  7. view return new html
  8. New html is used to update the web page
  9. Go to step 1


  • The two section in the Unsafe Area (DOM and Effect) are similar in a sense that both are causing side effect and are generating messages. The difference is that DOM change the page based on Model+view while Effects generate effect based on Cmd
  • in Elm 0.19, view may return a Document msg instead of Html msg, but the concept is the same
  • Safe Area is the area that doesn’t have side effects. Everything in pure here and is the area where we write our code
  • Unsafe Area — in contrast — is where there are side effects. We let Elm handle this dangerous zone
  • When I say “Msg and Model are sent to the update”, what I really mean is that the Elm Runtime call the update function with the message and the model as parameter as in: update msg model
  • Subscriptions are another thing that can send messages. They are not in the animation, but they behave the same as Effect and DOM. The messages are sent from subscriptions on Javascript events, for example the resizing of the browser, or sending data through a port. The type signature is subscriptions : model -> Sub msg
  • The type signature for the update is update : msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
  • The type signature for the view is view : model -> Html msg

For more details on The Elm Architecture have a look at the excellent official guide:



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