I know this is a bit old, but today, watching an old Douglas Crockford’s video I was interested in his proposal of a new way of defining a new number type called DEC64.
Even though I have not enough understand of low level of storing numbers (I studied this stuff at school but it was a while ago) I tend to agree to Douglas’s idea that application languages should have one numeric type and the type should not behave like:
0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3
Someone believe that Douglas proposal is not good enough. I believe that one on the goal of the proposal was also to start a discussion about this topic.
I wonder if after two years anybody has implemented this system somewhere.
Curious to see the result of 0.1 + 0.2 in several languages? Have a look at http://0.30000000000000004.com/ by Erik Wiffin